Monday, March 17, 2008

Tech Problems solved

This post celebrates my arduino and sensor success!! I cannot believe how such a simple thing has cost me so much time. I bought my sweet little arduino mini and tiny ET looking sensors almost a month ago. I have just this minute got them to output data into Max. I had problems with the arduino software- I now feel I am quite familiar with it after quite abit of troubleshooting on the forum and with Jamie and Lawrence at the conservatoire. There is still one issue- Lawrence did mention this tbh - the input data does seem to fluctuate even though I (carefully) soldered on a 100uF capacitor onto the sensors power and ground. I am going to ask Lawrence what value capacitor he used to solve the problem. If not, I am sure there is a max object that can smooth it. If I use Max! Jamie was showing us a few things in PD that looked really interesting. Although I'd better use Max now because if I changed my arduino set up to work with PD I don't trust it to work again!! Another project for PD perhaps.

I have been looking into using some information from a motion capture system. I have been doing some research and have found that I can input 4 firewire cameras into a computer using a hub and plan to map the input so certain areas of the image can effect the sound output- I feel I am getting closer to a system that will allow the 'sculpting' of sound in space by combining the sensor data and motion capture. I have been looking at a few Jitter objects to this. Now I intend to talk to Greg about what resources I have and how I can experiment with them.

Also I have been thinking about my lasers- it seems that green lasers are better than red lasers in being able to see the beam. I am looking into gettin g some to some the IR beam visually.

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