Saturday, October 4, 2008

New Artscience Researh Project Plan and First Developments

Research Plan

For my main research concern I am interested in a relationship between audio and visuals. The idea developed from noting how sound can influences ones perception of image, and visa versa. It interests me in how this correspondent relationship between sound and image could be used to aid communication and/or direct the attention of the audience in order to express something explicit. I observed that audiovisual communication is especially effective in film narration, there are many examples of ‘film grammar’, that is, metonyms that associate certain sounds with certain images or transitions in sound that have a particular meaning when paired with visuals or a storyline (as is the case with film music). It is sometimes found in these conventions, that certain combinations of sound and image realised in film that can be used in order to direct the audience to determine a specific conviction about the narrative or concept of said film. Film grammar like this can be seen in commercial cinema, perhaps the reason for this universal knowledge of the meaning behind these conventions suggests a significant cultural process within them.

Human perception altered by media is a subject that I have previously explored. In my practical work I began to think about the resonances of technology, its implications on social spaces and the forms and actions of identity. I thought about the seemingly cultural fascination with the 'dangers' of technology that much science fiction explores. Issues such as this could form the starting point when considering a subject for these short film and video experiments. It is unsettling to consider that we can so easily be controlled without realising. I wish to extend this notion by demonstrating that the controlling action is hidden not only behind language, but behind technology.

Theoretically, the work will pursue the following issues:

  • Artistic intentions in reference to audio-visual installation and sound art: for example, to what extent do artists the consider the communication of concept within their work to the perception of its audience and is it in this communication that the art-works defines itself to the audience. I feel that direct interaction with audio-visual digital technologies would be a good starting point for this research.

  • Cultural/social influences of the audio-visual conventions found in film: it could be said that the shared experience of a social group can constitute to an ease in communication via this medium.

  • Individual experience/perception of sound and sound on image: does the message of the composer/film-maker become blurred if material is experienced differently by other individuals and does this mean that an artistic concept described by the material in audio-visual works can never be explicitly shared.

  • The use and place of technology as an artistic medium and holding the potential to shape the processes behind future work. When using technologies to realise creative ideas this issue is a by-product and a resolution could be formed from after-thought of a project.

  • Technology as used to express or formulate idea artistic ideas: when regarding technology are there firstly certain restrictions that artists face and technological processes that can influence artistic decision, direction of progress and conception of contained ideas and conception of everyday life.

So an exploration in the from of improvisation or interaction in a performance environment in order to study the immediate perception of the intrinsic qualities in the dynamic relationship between the aural and visual worlds in both narrative and non-narrative context will be attempted over the MA. Interpolating production processes for sound and visuals with reference to the findings of the immediate perception of sound on image.

First Developments

For the first developments into my research have happened slowly and in stages of inspiration an guidance.... Firstly I have had a tutorial with new tutor Edwin, which was mainly an introductory meeting but one of the suggestions that stuck with me is considering light as an medium... and Synaesthesia as a subject linking sound and images senses. A tutorial with second tutor Kasper... the main point I remember from our discussion is his suggestion when I told my fascinations (in a very vague way) to start with my view of the world and filter it down into what I find interesting. In my next post I will state the outcomings of these suggestions.

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