Friday, February 27, 2009

Is it all in my head?

It could be disputed, that we will never know whether we know a truth or not. Poppers theory of conjecture and refutations agrees with this. The analogy of the shining Holy Grail, I found best described this. A truth is only a truth because is hasn't been disproved yet. So if you hold a shining grail long enough is will stop shining once it has been falsified, only the truth will never be disproved and so only the holy grail will never stop shining, yet we will never live long enough to find out. Imponderables of pure science better be left to the philosophers and theologians.

Todd Siler argues that there more to human awareness than empirical evidence, 'the combination of art, neuro-science and cosmology attempts to illustrate the integrated relationship between the mind, life and the universe, and to break the barriers that separate culture, knowledge and experience in re-examining and stressing the role of nature itself and our collective mind'.

Assumption throughout the centuries had been that there was a logic underlying the apparent chaos of creation, but that human perception was too clouded or fallacious to discern it. A discouraging point. It has been said that 'the real centre of knowledge is the inner consciousness' Which I equate to - inner consiousness = imagination beyond sense. It is my opinion that it is the role of the artist is to imagine reality beyond perception and physically represent it.

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