Friday, February 27, 2009

Technology and Embodied Experience

Technology can induce an artificial embodied experience which could potentially physicalise hidden material realities beyond human senses..... If we live it, is it real? Can technology place scientific theory into context by means of embodied experience?

Embodied Experience = a global consciousness of the spatiality and identity of ones own body + the gestalt of all senses. We thus place ourselves within the world, grounded by our empirical beliefs. 'Embodied Experience is the result of human percept'.

Is it learnt...... possibly human reality starts off disorganised and through the processing of empirical sense data, patterns and rules are formed, matter is remembered and body schema is developed within the motor-neural system of brain to muscle. This is achieved not just automatically but in accordance to the context of intention/environment. Or to put it simply.... on lower levels of consciousness (but not unconciously).

'Virtuality and the veryday reality of body transcendence, presses us to think the corporal.'

Foucaults 'Le corps Utopique' describes reality as 'one continuous landscape' which increasingly becomes 'punctured by mulitple screens and messages from times and places other than where we nominally are.'

So the question is 'What sort of subject are we becoming?' Now more than ever we need to embody our thoughts - now when that convern and the thick sensory envelope that provides us with consciousness is studded with earphones, zooming in psychopharmaceuticals (self help?), extended with protheses, dazzled by odourless tastes and tasteless odours (artificial?), transported by new media, and buzzing with ideas (surely good?).

On media art........ Do these artforms offer an escape from the channelled sensory portals codified at mid-century, or are we merely reinstating the hierarchies of that past in more comfortable prosthetic ways?

Sensorium- the subjects way of co-ordinating the bodies perceptual and proprioceptive signals, and the changing sensory envelope that constitutes the self. the sensorium should be seen at any historical moment as shifting, contingentm dynamic and alive. It lives only through us, enhanced by our technologies and extended prosthetically, but always subject to our consciousness (itself dependent on sensory formations).

form ------ experience

pattern of art since fluxus

a recent shift in Art tastes caused by technology? on a material and pyschological level? through synaesthetic and kinesthetic scenarios.

I am concerned about this lack of feeling!

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