Monday, June 16, 2008

Final MA Project

For my final MA project I always proposed to research how one can alter a perception of image using sound. I have been collecting conventions of film sound grammar.

Such as: Wind Blows/Wind Chime Sounds - signals - Natural Disaster (or paranormal activity).
Reverberant Gunshot (out of many shots) usually preceded by a pause- signals- Someone has been Shot.
Celestial Strings/Harp usually accompanied by a dissolve- signals - transition into memory/past event/day dream.
Psycho style high pitch shrieks - signal - attack
Barking Dogs - signal - somethings wrong

Any many more....

I am interested in how these conventions aid the communication of a narrative. I thought about conveying a narrative just using these conventions. I think that there is something quite funny about pulling them apart and revealing them for what they are. In light of this, I've also thought about selecting a number of clips involving an event using one of the conventions, then mixing up the visuals and audio to review the result in the form of an interactive installation.

During a recent tutorial it was advised that I looked into semiotics and social archetypal communication. It was stressed that there should be a performance/interactive element within the project to fit the brief of the project..

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